Hysteria In New Zealand, page-44

  1. 44,246 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2012
    The Left philosophy is very much like a religion....there is a lot of 'magical thinking' involved. They honestly believe they can legislate 'fairness' and create Utopia. Any 'pimping the poor' story where someone is battling due to poor choice after poor choice, they will claim that that person has not had 'opportunities', that people should be more 'compassionate'.....very little hard evidence ever accompanies these 'pimping the poor' articles. We never hear from the 'dastardly' land-lords, the 'horrible' neighbours.....and the expectation is the govt will have tens of thousands of houses just sitting around waiting for these abject failures to move into.

    Prior to the advent of the welfare state, the down & out relied on family and charity. Now that we have a comprehensive welfare state, all the Western democracies are drowning in the debt needed to pay for it. And it is never enough. New planks of welfare are constantly being added. The 2005 Labour government added Working For Families (middle-class welfare) & interest free student loans. Then they cynically turn around and complain about the debt that the National government has been running up. Given that the reduced income tax / increased GST change of the early years of the National government was designed to be revenue neutral, the country is being slowly bankrupted by the new welfare planks that have been added.

    There was no austerity in NZ following the GST. National kept borrowing to pay for the welfare state. They actually increased benefits in 2015. You could easily make the case that National is a centre-Left party.

    When economies are in recession, no one gives a toss when businesses fail & people lose their jobs. Bankrupt? Suck it up princess!

    When the economies are going well & the people who took risks are succeeding, that's when the Lefties begin their howling. Because 'the poor' are not increasing their wealth in exactly the same proportion as 'the rich', the howling and wailing about 'inequality' and 'poverty' begins. The Left will only be happy when everyone is equally poor together. They've never raised people out of poverty, there have been poor people throughout the entirety of human history, yet their dirty propaganda and their economic sabotage is relentless.

    Envy. That's all it is. A booming economy embarrasses them, so they have to start in with the relentless howling and media propaganda. The Left are sick. The 'magical thinking' and hatred for 'the system' are an illness.
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