So why not address the main point of my post being the future (if we vote yes to the proposal. I have not decided on this as yet)?
What would a law firm the size of SGH without debt paying dividends be worth in 2022?
Let's be conservative and estimate a $1billion revenue and 15% net profit.
Would you say that would be worth $2.6billion or more? I would say a lot more which would indicate a share price (after dilution) of more than $0.40. Would that be worth hanging out for?
That is where you fall short. It is so easy to criticise SGH but when you and your side kicks consistently mislead this forum by painting things you have no idea about that is when I tell the forum 'Watch out'.
These posters shows all signs of dishonest behaviour and clear signs of self-interest.
I do not have to mentioned names. These misleading dishonest posters stand out by themselves.
SWC has spoken