Thaqlweg,But why do you want to hold it? Thats the real...

  1. 1,529 Posts.

    But why do you want to hold it? Thats the real question.

    Until you answer that one then everything else is irrelevant.

    Many fall in love with a stock and are blind to reality.

    Doesn't really matter if its red or green now, its when you sell that it matters yeah?

    The idea in any transaction is to create profit and limit losses.

    Tax wise you can sell and buy whenever you like however if you post it as a loss now that loss is held and offset against future gains from the same asset class.

    So your logic of selling and rebuying just to see green - IMO doesn't stack up because you will realise a loss. When you rebuy you still have that loss so any green you see is kind of smoke and mirrors.

    Also why rebuy when you just lost $x on the deal, if its going to right side it will but there is also the risk of it falling further.

    Probably a better way is to take a step back and figure out why you want the stock and what the future holds for that company.

    So now you are down 40%. What is the maximum loss you are willing to take?

    What are the prospects of the stock increasing even 5-9% to limit your loss?

    What are the prospects of the stock continuing down so your loss is +50%?

    What are the prospects and timeframe for the share to regain the 40% plus a little sumfin' for the trouble?

    What are your timeframes and financial pressures that drive your need to make a decision on this?

    Thats what I would be thinking of.

    Hope that helps mate.

    **This is not financial advice just my opinion. Please DYOR and see a financial advisor if necessary.

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