Even as I write this, there are Muslims, right now speaking out...

  1. 22 Posts.
    Even as I write this, there are Muslims, right now speaking out publicly praising Allah that this happened. Many of them have posters of Osama Bin Laden on their walls. They have proven links to Al Qaeda, which has many training camps in Indonesia where you can go and learn to make bombs, and use weapons, to be used to bomb nightclubs and kill people. Despite how happy they are about this attack, they still can't seem to put two and two together. They actually are claiming that this attack could not possible have anything to do with Islam. What hypocrites they are.

    They are not worthy of Islam. Instead of letting God handle his own children, in his own way, they think that they have the right to do it for him. By killing them. It is abundantly clear from the Teachings of the Prophet that ALL men and women are the children of God. Right now, within our religion, is an increasingly large number of people who actually think that they can take on the role of God themselves, ask others to swear loyalty to them, and then go out and kill these children of God because of their particular political complaints and gripes and power ambitions. Trying to take over the role of God is the single most evil sin that a Muslim can commit, and yet there are thousands that are now doing this.

    The time is come for we Muslims to stop hiding our heads in the sand, and relying upon stupid conspiracy theories to take the blame off of where it lies: Ourselves. Only small, immature, chicken, cowardly men do that. Real men do not. Real men and women stand up and take responsibility for their family. Over and over have I heard the flimsiest of excuses and wild speculative theories: Israel did it. America did it. Chinese did it. The Russians did it. The Japanese did it. Everything but the truth:

    Muslims did it.

    There are people now, in my neighborhood, who still really believe the idiotic story that “all the Jews left the Trade Center before it blew up because they knew it was going to happen” Anybody with 40 IQ points who looked into that would see the massive evidence that this is not true.

    There are people in the United Arab Emirates, where I was when the 9/11 attack happened, that said “no way Bin Laden did this”. Nobody with 30 IQ points, who could look at the evidence that has been gathered, could possibly believe that.

    So tell me fellow Muslims, why are we so chicken, so immature, such little cowards? Why can't we open our eyes and see that WE are responsible for our brother and sisters who are going around brutally murdering innocent people, and we need to speak up and take a stand against them. If we do not do this, we debase and spit on the very teaching and prophet that we claim to believe in. And THAT is worse than anything “the bastard Jews” or “The evil Americans” could ever do.

    Is the U.S. wrong? Yes, in many many ways. Is Israel controlling them? Yes. You just don't hear us because the press is manipulated and biased in favor of Israel. But believe me, they are there, and they are very upset.

    None of that allows what happened here in Bali two nights ago.

    Osama Bin Laden, you cowardly little man. I am a Muslim, YOU ARE NOT. You are yet another example of the problem Islam has faced since the death of the Prophet: You are a power hungry maniac, who is abusing Islam for your own megalomaniac needs. You have decided that you want to be God, and make decisions about people lives and fates that God should make, not you. You want to decide who gets to live and who gets to die. Your culture, and the history of Islam is full of people just like you, who brutally murdered even their own flesh and blood brothers and sisters in their climb to the top of power.

    READ THE KORAN,YOU IDIOT. The prophet Mohammed, when he was deeply intrenched with conflict with the Qurayzah, and when he could have gone to war with them and squashed them, instead abandoned the jihad he had started in favor of this: A peace march. he took his followers and made a hajj to Mecca in March, in 628AD. He did this without taking even one sword, not one weapon. His enemies in Mecca could easily have wiped him out, but it was his courage and faith that saved him. He faced his enemy with faith, and peace in his heart. Not hatred and evil.

    Hey Muslims, my brothers. You want to impress the world? You want REAL power? You want to SHAME America into submission? Then take a clue from your own prophet, and stop this stupid, immature ranting and raving about the “big evil this” or the “big evil that”. Change yourself. You yourself follow the example of our beloved prophet. Jihad is what you do inside your heart, for yourself. The inner battle. Outer jihad will never, never, never get you anything but more death, more war, more destruction.

    Mohammad Reno

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