We have a abundant supply of prisioners just sitting around in...

  1. 1,341 Posts.
    We have a abundant supply of prisioners just sitting around in goals and the unemployed. There is your labour force. An it is free. Only about 10 to 15% of prisioners could not be used in the scheme and about the same with the unemployed.
    The way the economies are going anyway we may be doing these things in less than 5 years anyway. Any political refugees and the like could be made to do the same for their new homeland under a apprentice citizenship scheme.

    sometimes things are just to costly to do but for the overall good of the people and the country in years to come it must be done.

    eg like Germany in the 1930s with the autobahn and infrastructure projects.

    get some MEGA DAMS and Canals happening ( become a we can do and can achieve nation once again. Not i want it now and dont wish to pay for it nation.

    to much talk and to little work mentality. ( its no good for a growing nation like ours) Pure socialism does not work nor does pure capitalism. we need a blend of both. it is easy to say we need it but it is like a miricale if we can bring it about.
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