I am sad at the direction that Australian society is heading in...

  1. 49 Posts.
    I am sad at the direction that Australian society is heading in many ways.

    You don't see kids playing outside anymore....it is a shame that kids are more absorbed with playing nintendo wii or other computer games rather than playing outside on their bikes or kicking a footy...i rarely see kids playing in the playgrounds these days.

    Society is becoming more violent...compared to when i used to go out there are more glassings, more violent fights, more young kids juiced up on drugs wanting to take all and sundry on.

    We seem to be becoming a less egalitarian society...it is all about how much money you are making, and making it as quickly as possible.

    Some of our aged pensioners are living in appalling conditions....lliterally relying on their next pension payment...some are still renting, and are doing it tough

    Our unis are becoming factories where cashed up international students can buy their place into uni, placing pressure on the other local students who sit in overcrowded lecture theatres because the govt refuses to put more funding into unis.

    Work is becoming more casual in nature, and people have a lot less job certainty than before.

    Governments seem to be focussed on getting over the line at the next election...stuff the future 10-20years...little forward planning is involved.

    I don't know the answers to these challenges, but it saddens me that Australia is becoming like this....

    I think we are starting to lose many of the things that make us the best country on earth...i wish it didn't have to be this way.
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