''Australia looks like collapsing due to immigration and low...

  1. 87,054 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Australia looks like collapsing due to immigration and low interest rates,''

    no, not at all

    the seeds for collapse were sown many decades ago - probably back to the days of Vietnam - all the way with LBJ really.

    It was then that we became - by our own hand to be subservient to the USA - since then, we've gone to every war in one way or another that they told us to.

    It's been in reality - downhill since then. Enter Whitlam, who gave us more achievements than any other PM - but, at a cost -- and then Fraser who gave us the culture of dishonour, then Hawke later who basically began the rot of paying for university education that Whitlam had so wisely made free to all - Hawke had a problem with too many Aussies wanting to go to Uni - so, he had to do something - and he went, in reflection - the wrong way with Student Union fees.

    If it had stopped there - it 'might' have been ok - but, there was a huge dud in the making coming to follow up on it - John Howard.

    Howard never got the light on him other than some stage spotlight - because the world worked mostly in Australia's favour

    Howard really planted the seeds for failure in Australia - and that is what we see now being reaped.

    He put Australia into a cut cut cut, don't spend, don't invest mentality - and a get out of the way and do as little as possible mentality

    and business for one --------- did exactly that.

    Since that irksome culture - business in Australia has wanted what they call 'flexibility'

    so full time work - gone. Casualise the workforce - it's in - big. Contracts instead of jobs - yep, that's a great flexible tool.
    None of this employees for 20 years thing and you have to pay them long service leave and holiday pay - nope --------- gone.

    So, business found it 'cheaper' to 'buy people in' ------ don't go to the trouble and cost of training and educating Aussies -------- buy in someone from overseas or someone that someone else has already paid to train.

    Ditch paying taxes and giving Aussies real educations -------- just teach them what they need to know for a job ------------- all that other stuff -------- who needs it?

    etc etc

    And further and further down the cut cut cut road we've gone -------- without even noticing that -

    no country has ever turned into a nation by cut cut cut, don't spend, don't invest - get out of the way and just let it happen, no plan

    and here we are ----- resource companies sold off, big Aussie assets sold off, American ownership mostly in many areas, now farm lands being sold off
    no properly educated Aussies - just some job trained people, with big uni debts, who can't afford houses, and they do jobs which become obsolete rapidly

    a STEMS brain drain of tragic proportions and a total devastation of funding for STEMS education and research --------------- IN AN ERA WHICH NEEDS IT MORE THAN EVER AND WITHOUT IT ----------- ONE GOES NOWHERE

    so your problems about
    ''Australia looks like collapsing due to immigration and low interest rates,''

    wow - you have to go back a LONG way to see why indeed those little things are now having such effect

    they are merely - the top little bit of a very large and old pimple - in danger of now bursting
    Last edited by pintohoo: 07/09/24
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