i feel an unnerving storm approaching, page-14

  1. 1,348 Posts.
    The storm brewing is the bond market collapse and the onset of high inflation in the years ahead.

    Markets are starting to realise that the bailout packages have not worked. They never will. Bailout packages are just knee jerk reactions. The government has to be seen like they are doing something. They should be doing nothing.

    Let these greedy and reckless companies collapse and let the strong and competent companies pick up the pieces.
    Sure you will get short term pain but it will be over alot quicker and at least the markets will have some sort of direction.

    Right now the markets don't trust anything and why would they when these companies just keep sayng lie after lie and are being supported by the government. You see the more this drags on the more volatile markets will become and there will be no direction.

    Guarantee people's deposits and let the AIG's, Merryl Lynches, Bank of America, etc go bankrupt. The more money is pumped into these failed companies the worst the problem will get. There is nothing Obama can do but try and look like he is doing something.

    This sounds pessimistic but its the truth. Just listen to economists like Marc Faber, Peter Schiff and people like Jim Rogers, Noriel Roubini and you will understand the problems that lie ahead. Forget mainstream media they have NFI about what is going on and do not listen to economists from companies like HSBC, ING, etc. According to them this should have been over in December of 2007...LOL

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