Cerberus and sunny jim. The US is not the worlds policeman. We...

  1. 470 Posts.
    Cerberus and sunny jim. The US is not the worlds policeman. We have a properly constituted organisation, the UN to perform this role. Do we punish individuals without a proper trial such as is represented by the UN or do we set up a kangaroo court such as is represented by the US to try and then execute without the full and proper scrutiny that is appropriate. You may argue that the UN is ill equipped to perform this role but who has undermined the UN so effectively? The US and now increasingly Australia. The issue is not that Saddam is evil or that he has killed many of his own people, both of which are correct There are plenty of evil regimes in this world about which the US says and does nothing and even supports. The issue is does Saddam represent a threat to the rest of the world? That is a question which has not been resolved to most thinking individuals satisfaction. There is much that is excellent about the US but I for one am not prepared to allow the US alone to make decisions that will impact upon all of our lives in such a significant manner. The best interpretation of their actions is that they feel their way of life is threatened. I however am most uncomfortable with the thought that to preserve the American way of life, our own individual freedoms and beliefs need to be compromised
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