I got an email from Bill Shorten

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    Over the past couple of weeks you
    might have heard
    some wild claims in the media about Labor’s plans to close an obscure tax loophole that 92 per cent of taxpayers
    can’t access
    and have probably never heard of.

    Here are the simple facts:
    Labor’s reforms to excess dividend imputation credits will crack down on a tax loophole that mainly benefits millionaires who don’t pay income tax, and we’ll use the money we save to improve our schools and hospitals.

    Under Labor’s plan, no Australian will lose a cent from their super contributions, no one will lose a cent from their pension and no one will lose a cent from their share dividends. Not a single cent.
    And we’ll protect Australian pensioners – with Labor’s new Pensioner Guarantee.

    Labor believes in a fair go for pensioners. We know they are struggling with the cost of living, so we’re making sure that pensioners and allowance recipients can still access cash refunds.
    This protects pensioners
    while still delivering a budget improvement of $55 billion over the decade.
    That’s the fair thing to do.

    I know the age pension is not a king’s ransom, it’s a modest sum. This is why Labor has a strong set of policies to help pensioners with the cost of living. In addition to our new Pensioner Guarantee:
    • We’re going to make it more affordable to see the doctor or a specialist, by abolishing Turnbull’s Medicare freeze.
    • We’re going to help with rising electricity bills, by keeping the energy supplement for pensioners.
    • And – unlike the Liberals – we’re not going to increase the pension age to 70. We believe Australia should have the world’s best retirement savings system, not one of the developed world’s oldest retirement age.
    • Dave R.
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