Yes Taylor, we all know the preaching cliche' about being...

  1. 12,609 Posts.
    Yes Taylor, we all know the preaching cliche' about being responsible for our own actions blah blah blah. If that's as deeply as you've thought about those who make mistakes, then no wonder you find my comments disgraceful. The truth hurts perhaps?? Not sure why you would find those comments disgraceful.

    I guess you love seeing Cousins villified and preyed upon by a drooling press. That stuff sickens me. People don't deserve that when they're trying to recover. He's doing HIS best....not YOUR best.

    By the way, some people who make very bad errors of judgment and get themselves into all sorts of trouble, often arrive at a point where they are incapable of being responsible in any way, shape or form. Where does the "responsible for your own actions" cliche' fit in there? Righto, you go back to when they started etc, and sure you can find a way to blame them....and there's no denying that it's essentially his own fault. So what?

    I guess it depends on whether we're here to judge and lecture, or are we here to understand and help?

    Personally, I think he's done very well to get back to where he is, and if he lapses from time to time, that is really sad for him, and I just hope he can pick himself up again and keep going.

    Anyway, I don't want to discuss this any further. I find it simply sickening how some people seem to delight in his problems.
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