i hoped it would never come to this in nsw ...

  1. 168 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 153
    Hi all

    I normally don't weigh into the politics forum etc as I believe everyone is entitled to their own personal opinion when it comes to who they vote for and how to run this country and the subsequent states.

    I live in NSW and to say I am now appalled at the latest Kristina Keneally comments today is an understatement.

    The Australian is reporting Ms Keneally to have said this morning:

    "So, if the Coalition gets their way, I beseech us all - look after each other, " Ms Keneally said, in remarks later branded "despicable" by Mr O'Farrell.

    "Take care of your neighbours, because there will be fewer police to do that for you.

    "Take care of the old, the sick and the vulnerable, because when the health budget is cut there will be fewer nurses and there will be fewer community care workers.

    "Offer help to families with disabilities because what is today a public priority will once again become a private problem.

    "And be sure to read to your children as a good public education becomes a memory as teachers join nurses in unemployment queues.

    "And as grim as it is to say this, be sure to follow up on the child who has gone quiet, who is out of character, who is withdrawn, because we can no longer assume that child is protected.

    "If the Coalition gets their blank cheque, a free reign, then we will need a lot of help from one another and we will need a lot of luck."

    It makes me feel absolutely disgusted that a leader who is running for Premier and the privaledge of high office in NSW could say such a thing.

    To go after the vulnerable in our society is shocking!

    It shows to me the desparation and sheer lack of any other real policies in NSW Labor's mentality that Ms Keneally has now resorted to the lowest form of skull duggery in this election - no go after the vote of the vulnerable using scare tactics.

    I'm sorry Ms Keneally, but in the nicest possible way you certainly won't be getting my vote after that!!

    (I'm not intending to offend anyone here, you can vote Labor if you want, but if you do please take a good hard look at who you are voting for).


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