i hoped it would never come to this in nsw ..., page-4

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    socialists and their greenie comrades are big believers in the "big lie" tactic.

    Make sure that your lie is huge and repreated endlessly for the mind-numb and dumded-down-youth and union-foot-soldiers to endlessly parrot.

    These low and despicable tactics are normal part of the socialist "how-to-steal-elections-and-keep-the-proles-in-line" handbook they all seem to take their marching orders from.

    The Australian government has been hijacked by socialist/greenie fifth columnists and destroyers.

    There is no tactic too low, no outrage to despicable, no lie to big, for the socialist scoundrels to use to hold on to the power they have acquired.

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