I just had a Trumph Thought Bubble, page-50

  1. 82,959 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    What I don't get is why some (many) people are so slow to notice that their hopes for some leaders were misplaced of their picks were wrong.

    When Turnbull became PM - I 'hoped' he would be good. It didn't take me all that long to realise that he didn't have what it needed to put Oz on a good course. When Morrison came in - although I was almost certain he wasn't a 'leader' - I hoped that he was and would bloom ---- that hope was shattered very quickly as he proved very much to be a total dud - as I thought earlier.
    I also 'hope' that Shorten might be a good leader - I am not prepared to judge until I see results.

    However, when results are in - if they prove him to be a dud - I will look forward to his removal and the next 'hope' to get into the chair.

    Donald Trump -when he was elected - which surprised me - I 'hoped' that he was some sort of closet genius who could run the place ok and be a good leader. I suspected he wasn't - but, it didn't stop me hoping.

    On his inauguration speech - my hope dramatically rose - it was a good speech -

    but, within days - my hopes were shattered as he descended into what has been a continuing bumble of idiotic decisions and foolish moves --

    if it weren't for the huge body of gathering evidence that he is surrounded by crooks, crims, liars and secrecy - I would still be hoping that there is some sort of extraordinary closet genius plan - because he's that bad that it's frankly unbelievable -

    but, in the light of everything we see - I concede utter defeat -------- the guy is a nut. Not only that - but, he's way out of his league and he is the pointy end of some dastardly plot that is very well organised and deeply hidden at this point.

    Why and how cannot others at least barely sniff something here that the stench is so high that the dog's nose wrinkles in disgust

    footy posted a video yesterday on Deutsche bank goings on --------- my god, if that's all true - then, surely even a 5 year old would be highly suspicious of what's going on.

    Even the Mueller investigation - Trumpophiles scream that it's a witch-hunt --------????????????

    almost 40 people charged so far ------------?????????? that's no witch-hunt

    These indictees surround Trump -------- gees, and, his supporters are not even the slightest bit suspicious?

    They say that there's no 'collusion' with the Russians???????????? --------- Russian is almost the second bloody language in the White House?? - there's been more Russian comings and goings than a plumber fixing a building full of blocked dunnies?
    Trump himself has meetings with Russians and no one other than Russians know what was even spoken of in those meetings

    and, Trump supporters brush past that as if it didn't even happen?

    How thick can some people actually be? How badly invested are they when their champion gets knocked clean through the ropes and they say - 'oh, it's just his way of winning - he's pure genius'

    ??????????? huh???????? he's knocked senseless ----- he's bleeding badly and he's making as much sense as a pissed Chimpanzee - but, they think he's genius and winning????

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