I just had a Trumph Thought Bubble, page-5

  1. 1,666 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    People know something is wrong with the system, Trump played the populist card successfully because Clinton was set in place as the alternative status quo candidate. It was a rigged outcome with two establishment candidates that still tow US expansionism and exceptionalism against the people for the big end of town. Come on a business billionaire and oligarch fighting for the little guy, its quite laughable really. He is like the right version of Obama hope and BS with similar slogans and lips service to the people. Obama completely supported Wall Street, the rich, military adventurism, police state and MIC. Trump supporters can't see he is just the same as an Obama in wrapping himself in the same words but as a different shirt colour candidate.

    This Q stuff, wall, trade agreements, conflict, tax cut, military expenditure focus distracts the underlying theme he is Obama red (or orange) in pursuing the same policies. He works on the low information voters with the same message of hope and greatness to restore what made America great that is now being lost (that's a change you can believe in). People are loyal in my opinion because they want to still believe he is working for them... it is sadly a form of short-term political delusion just like how people view Obama now later as a fraud but were sucked into the hype. Its the Red's turn now and the system continues to to pull the wool over your eyes while the country is raped by the 0.01%.
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