Talking about things taking for granted (something Australians...

  1. 1,314 Posts.
    Talking about things taking for granted (something Australians in my opnion are really good at).

    1) Take a look at the hospital system, in particular the public and their emergency services, where waiting times of up to 6-8 hours are consdered to be "normal" due to lack of beds in emergency and follow up wards. More deaths in those places are only a matter of time.

    2) Take a look at the cost of real estate, with Australia's biggest cities now rated in the top ten as the most expensive in the world!

    3) Take a good look at polution levels. Now rated far worse than the European countries, the US and Canada that make up the bulk of the so called western world.

    4) Take a look at the terrible road and transport system of for example Sydney. Or "death" roads like the one from Melbourne all the way along the coast to Brisbane and the Gold Coast

    I could go on for a little while more, but I will stop here.

    Yes, Australia is a great and a beautiful country, but so are many other countries in the world I visited and/or lived in for a while!

    Nothing wrong with true Australian values either.

    However I do feel that most australians lack self critism as to how wonderful EVERYTHING is over here!

    As a matter of fact in my opinion it is only after we start tackling and resolving the issues above (and others not mentioned here), that we could perhaps one day rightly be proud of Australia to be one of the top countries in the world to live in!.

    Currently there is still a lot to improve on!
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