When I go to friends I nearly puke when I succumb to having a...

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    When I go to friends I nearly puke when I succumb to having a drink of their council supplied water, mainly because of the strong chlorine smell and taste.

    You see it all depends on what you're used to, I've been drinking tank water for years and would never, repeat never, go back to drinking that stuff they call water that the council charge the taxpayers for.

    Rain water, once you buy the tank, etc is free and safe and as pure as you can get.

    If you need a little more assurance on the safety of tank water all a person has to do is boil it and then store in a large earthenware urn to cool before bottling for further cooling in the fridge.

    It's funny when I remember many years ago that both my dogs would always rather drink water from the potted plants saucer than out of a freshly filled bucket from the council supply, probably I suspect more about smell than anything else as there noses are I believe around 40 times more smell sensitive than ours.

    On a few occasions when I have poured a glass of water fresh from the tap of someone connected to the council supply, as I have lifted it to take a drink the smell has actually put me off and I've tipped it back out.

    Reminds me of a friend who many years ago related just how many different chemicals he supervised was being added to a popular brand of beer, arsenic included.

    When one of my children and family last visited they commented on our bottled water and also that we used glass bottles. When they left they took some water with them but did not refill their usual plastic bottles but took it away in our glass ones.

    Last word here - imagine drinking a beer from a plastic stubbie?

    Well nearly the last - My uncle makes his home brew, both light and dark, and I do prefer the dark. We are going there for a few days over Xmas and as usual I will drink copious amounts of his beer and as always I never have any side effects, reason being I always say is there are no chemicals added.
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