What is interesting is that our current government is trying to...

  1. 908 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 85

    What is interesting is that our current government is trying to implement a tax on the very air we breathe, thats on top of all the multiple, and duplicated taxes and rates that we already pay.
    And here we have a bunch of wannabes who have never risked a dime on property and never will irrespective of price or climate, and yet have an opinion as where the price should and would be both now and in the future.
    As a developer, if my costs increase so would my asking price, (rent or sale) irrespective of all other variables yes sometime it is not viable to go through with the process if there is no coin left for all the trouble.
    Yes the market changes, the elite know the signs and the rules and play the game in their advantage, this is the time that we buy at a discount, and we will hold and should have to sell, will sell when the conditions are favourable.
    Buy putting this post up i was inviting others to discus other ways and angles to buying and selling property.

    And yet some have the decency to bag others who may actually be their brother, friend or even land lord, For stepping outside the square and actually taking a risk, again irrespective of how much success they may have had, apparently 15 to 20 years is not long enough for sum, because they know it all, they know better.
    They get a kick out of seeing their friends or even brother suffer through what they call the tough times, i call opportunity time.

    Well must i say more, no matter who or what presents the proof or experience is not good enough for some. they think by dropping 5 lines of absolute nonsense, with nothing more than what they may have got out of a fortune cookie to base their expert opinion on will actually mean or effect or even perhaps deter someone from taking action in the property market.

    Some would be still in high school with no credible knowledge or experience, or for that matter street smart, hell someone was actually suggesting that i should get a JOB, Well my job is to put a roof over peoples head, i think that is a very respectable Job if i may say so.

    Some of my best tenants are, Engineer, pilot, a doctor, a carpenter, single mother of four, IT specialist. I would like to see one of you guys who are out to impose your cheap opinion on others, have the stomach to go and tell the very garbage you post here to the real people who i personally put a roof over their head. You just may get a different opinion or a boot up the a..

    Well i think i have said enough on this topic, their always would be a different side to any coin, for every positive there is a negative view and thats the rule of the nature.
    As long as it is constructive i don�t mind investing my time, but once you get some no hopers who just have a single track mind and opinion with no apparent loos or benefit come on to sites like this just to put their 2 cent in, well i am sorry if youre a miserable looser and will always be, please do get some professional help.
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