I puke when I hear a CEO say " I was bullied!", page-28

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325

    just what we like - generalised stereotypes about what CEOs need to be like

    there are a few others that pass through people’s heads. tallish (certainly not short). Reasonably good looking (certainly not plain or ugly). Male (they apparently make better leaders because they aren’t so emotional).

    in fact Christine holgate has called out psychopathy at the top - the psychopathy of the prime minister.

    I guess the useful part of your post has been to provide easy access to a list of characteristics of psychopaths against which we might measure him
    • Public humiliation of others (high propensity of having temper tantrums or ridiculing work performance). (He’s done that a few times lately - holgate, speers Andrews and a few others he apparently feels threatened by)
    • Malicious spreading of lies (intentionally deceitful) (he seems to make a habit of this. The means by which he even got a political gig comes to mind - shameless self promotion by putting his opponent down with lies)
    • Remorseless, devoid of guilt (hard to see evidence of guilt)
    • Produces exaggerated bodily expressions (yawning, sneezing, etc.) as a means of gaining attention. (I am thinking a little here of his studied body language when females were speaking in parliament recently. Maybe forcing someone to shake your hand counts as well)
    • Encourages co-workers to torment, alienate, harass, and/or humiliate other peers ( is that why we see a gang like mentality in the cabinet ?)
    • Takes credit for others' accomplishments
    • Refuses to take responsibility for misjudgements and/or errors (In fact pretty sure he managed to get payouts when he was terminated from his two tourism jobs - maybe I’m wrong on that but both times he was sacked )

    They have low patience when dealing with others, display shallow emotions, are unpredictable, undependable and fail to take responsibility if something goes wrong that is their fault.[5]. ( I guess that’s why he had to attend an empathy course and even then had to check with jen on how to respond about someone saying they had been raped)

    psychopaths have a natural advantage in workplaces overrun by abusive supervision, and are more likely to thrive under abusive bosses, being more resistant to stress, including interpersonal abuse, and having less of a need for positive relationships than others.[13][14][15].

    none of this looks like it applies to Christine holgate. In fact story is she helped to turn around the toxic culture left by previous exceedingly well paid CEOs

    at least you recognise that her sacking was petty and stupid but what she has done is start a conversation that needs to be had

    corporate psychopaths are a problem. Bullying is a problem. The system by which people rise through the ranks and make it to CEO is flawed. We live in a world where show is more valued than go, where strength and self promotion is more valued than decency and kindness, where individualism is more applauded than team work.

    Holgate was not at the top - she reported to a Board who have apparently been politically motivated. None of the practices that might be called good leadership of natural justice have been applied.

    at the same time as Morrison was supporting his own ministers on other accusations that were far more egregious he decided to take aim and use inappropriate language at a person who, it seems, has actually done a good job. Maybe he thought it would distract us. Maybe he thought it would get public support. Maybe he thought no one would draw parallels with the generous expenses of mps or the dubious handing out of government funds to liberal party cronies.

    is there some salutary lesson for him that performance rewards worth $12000 have created such a clusterfu... I’m not sure he’s capable of learning lessons. (Though he has turned up to lift a few bits of mess left by the cyclone. just a shame he isn’t so good at cleaning up his own messes).

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