I repeat again nothing is more dangerous than an extreme leftie!!

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    Apparently, according to some the bushfires are being caused by, get this, smart meters, laser beams, as part of some puppet master push.

    What got me apart from the usual drivel is a Dr Grant, senior lecturer in science communication at ANU decided to get involved suggesting those in regional areas where far right and those living in the cities where more left.

    Well I guess living in Canberra and the way they vote is more likely to be left!!! Is Dr Grant a leftie academic??? He seems to be attacking those “This high-speed rail conspiracy comes out of the idea the left and the government want us to live in cities with a smaller carbon footprint and closer to work, and many on the left say this is a good thing,” he said.“However, what we’re seeing here is the far right taking this to an extreme – saying ‘they’re forcing us to be vegan and live in apartment’ – which is obviously not true.”He said the theories around “exploding smart meters” and 5G being used for nefarious purposes play into “legitimate” concerns around big corporations and the data they have on us.“We should be careful, because this is ripe ground for a conspiracy theorist,” he said. “What they are doing is taking a legitimate truth and playing it up, adding paranoia, and making it into something else."

    Now the question I have is how do the far right consider a fast train to have anything to do with control??? After all, whats the security risk of a fast train. If anything a fast train empowers the regions because it makes human resources more mobile in the sense it can get to the cities faster like Melbourne and Sydney quicker. If anything it adversely affects Canberra because people can go to Melbourne and Sydney much quicker so Canberra loses more action. Clearly this nonsense is coming from the far left and probably Canberra. Why would the right be against a fast train???

    I am far right and I was talking up the fast train project in the economics thread days before. Check it if you like

    I think what might be happening is a rail project is gaining more traction and the left that want to control everything want to claim it as a leftie initiative and the right are against it because I assume Grant as a probably leftie wants to sit in a comfort zone with fellow lefties in a Uni forum!!!

    Does the Grant fellow come from the school of Goering???

    Nothing is more dangerous than a extreme leftie and I think China knows this which is why they support Trump over Hillary nut job Clinton!!
    Last edited by DavoMagic: 15/01/20
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