I have to share yesterday's observation (confidentially) to the...

  1. 2,156 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 61
    I have to share yesterday's observation (confidentially) to the dear readers of the Humour Forum.

    Yesterday I was at a "DOME" café in the suburbs of Perth.

    Now for those who have the misfortune of not being a "West Australian", the DOME chain of shops serves coffee, beverages, "big breakfasts", light meals, and an assortment of cakes and tarts. These stores are popular during the day for Mother-groups, retirees, and small business meetings over a coffee and snack.

    I was in discussion with another person when 2 women sat at the table next to us and began talking without any concern about the privacy of their conversation. One complained to the other about how distressed she was because her partner/husband agreed to her request to leave her.

    Apparently she told him to shape up or ship out of the relationship. He then thought about the offer for a short time and decided to select the latter option and take action forth-with.

    Visibly distressed at his decision she was now pouring her troubles out to her friend.

    There is a simple lesson here: Do not give an ultimatum if you are not prepared to accept the decision.
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