I say BS for Co2, page-77

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    AIRS provides satellite retrieval of mid-tropospheric carbon dioxide even under cloudy conditions, without the use of a priori information from models. AIRS retrievals use cloud-cleared thermal IR radiance spectra in the 15 micron band with an accuracy better than 2 ppm. AIRS retrievals have been used to produce global maps of carbon dioxide and other trace gases including ozone, methane, and carbon monoxide.

    temporal metadataID: Formats netCDF | HDF-EOS Timestep Sub-daily | Daily | Monthly Data Time Period Extended? yes, data set is extended Domain Global Spatial Resolution 1x1, 2x2.5, assorted levels Ocean or Land Ocean&Land Missing Data Flag missing data present Earth system components and main variables Atmosphere, CO, Ozone: Tropospheric, Biosphere, CH4-Methane, CO, CO2 - See more at: https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/c...es-co2-co-ch4-o3-level-3#sthash.BnMwTSY8.dpuf

    But I am sure you will want daily CO2 data from some other height in the atmosphere.

    If you think they need some other data, I suggest you write to the relevant authorities what you want and why you think it is necessary.  I am sure they will give you a nice reply saying why it's not necessary.
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