Dear Commies and REDS,Well your out of luck.UB is alive and...

  1. 211 Posts.
    Dear Commies and REDS,

    Well your out of luck.
    UB is alive and well.
    And he will not leave the Country he loves, Australia.

    YOU are free to leave at anytime, and relocate to Cuba or Russia as you will feel at home there with your RED Ideas.

    What UB has been doing is sitting back and watching and reading.

    Reading another perfect example of how Mr Hitler and Co controlled Germany.
    And a mirror image is reflecting here in Australia.

    Now before you scream foul, before you have me banned, as you will, as the Brown Shirts did with anything and everything that was not running in the way of Hitler, read some history on Germany from 1928 onwards.

    Because if you think, you will be shocked at the reflection that is taking place here in Australia.

    Right down to Mr Hitler's Joy program.
    Example, WA, has no money for hospitals, the health system is a monster mess,

    WA and Labour have enough money to build a 1 BILLION DOLLAR Sports Stadium....... Yes, WA Labour's very own Joy program for its workers.

    NSW, had the Olympic Games,
    the roads, police and health are a mess

    Victoria, the Commonwealth Games and F1 Racing,
    everything is a mess in VIC.

    Indy Car racing and now a thumping big new Sports Stadium being built on the Gold Coast,
    within 250meters of a hospital thats a shocking mess, infact, its a joke like something from WW 2, its that bad and under staffed.
    And a 9 to 5pm only, and only on week days police station

    Water, a mess..... the list is endless.

    All good well planned Joy programs from your friends who read and learnt what Mr Hitler did so well.

    Just like Germany, Australia will learn the hard way, after pain and suffering, but not by the leaders of Labour who will all walk away with millions in their pockets while the workers suffer, again, just like Germany.

    You will bash my ideas and writing, smart mouth old UB and more.

    have him banned, which will prove my point, beautifully !

    like what or like anybody anti Mr Hitler had thrown at them.

    is expected of you, as you have been trained in schools and as a result you are non thinking cones of the master plan.

    like the Hitler Youth.

    are being fooled, you are being used and consumed in other people's games where they win and you, the speaking heads, the cones will lose.

    I am dreaming, then think again,

    You read some history about Germany from 1928 onwards.

    Kind regards,
    and please read some history and THINK !
    AND then worry about this beautiful country.

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