I'm a self-funded retiree who has neverasked the old CES or...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    I'm a self-funded retiree who has never
    asked the old CES or Centrelink to
    find me a job - nor have I ever
    been on the dole in my life.

    I worked for a living from the time
    I left Ag College until retiring.

    My parents, relatives and forebears all
    worked for a living - including my Auntie
    Molly who's husband (a dairy farmer) died
    of cancer during the Great Depression
    leaving her with five little kids to look after
    and a debt-laden dairy farm back in the
    days when there was no 'Parenting

    She had two alternateives - get tough
    or go under so she got tough. She did a
    man's work all day and a woman's
    work before dawn (when milking
    began) and after dark when she
    had finished the second milking.

    Without government assistance of any
    kind, single-handedly my Auntie Molly
    raised five children and ran that farm
    7 days a week for 12 years without a
    single day off until the mortgage
    had been paid.

    I loved visiting my Auntie Molly.
    She never complained about her
    lot in life - but I knew (as a kid)
    that you never gave any 'lip' to
    Auntie Molly. (vbg!)

    In her spare time, she'd go to
    CWA meetings to help women
    who were less fortunate than
    herself to cope with the ups
    and downs of life.

    Her five children (my older
    cousins) all became wonderful
    generous, vibrant, warm
    human beings.

    So I'm a great believer in autonomy,
    self-reliance and free enterpise.

    The complete opposite of autonomy
    and self-determination is 'socialism' -
    a system where the government
    makes all the big decisions and
    you get savagely punished for
    acting without its permission.

    Now for my question:

    If John Howard says that HE will decide
    who will come to this country and the
    manner of their arrival and that any
    person who exhibits autonomous,
    free-enterprise tendencies will
    be sent to prison (with their
    kids) on a HIS sayso with
    no trial, no judge, no jury
    for as long as HE pleases...

    ... is John Howard a supporter
    of 'Free Enterprise' or is he
    a national socialist who gets
    his jollies from exercising
    totalitarian power?

    But, but, but (I hear you cry) what
    about the HOARDES of refugees
    who will use our front lawns as
    public toilets if we tolerate
    'Free Enterprise' by the
    WRONG sort of people?

    If the price of anxiety reduction is
    for children to be kidnapped and
    shoved into electrifed Ruddock
    cages and left to rot...

    ... please Mr Howard can I have
    my anxiety back - I can live with
    anxiety - but I can't and won't accept
    child-caging as my Social Valium!

    It's not my job to solve all Australia's
    social dilemmas, but any 'solution'
    that involves child abuse HAS to
    be junked and re-built from
    the ground up!

    If the propounder of child abuse
    (as Social Valium) won't or can't
    let go of that obscenity then HE
    has to go and his policy junked
    and re-built from the ground up
    so it excises caged child abuse
    from the formula for harmony.
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