BillyBongo says:'I bet you fell for the famous "no child living...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    BillyBongo says:

    'I bet you fell for the famous "no child living in poverty" promise too.'

    What I most remember about Bob Hawke
    was how (upon taking office) he put an
    end to years of bitter Liberal-caused
    industrial strife by holding an 'economic
    summit' in Canberra at which was
    forged an historic 'Accord' that saw
    the Prices Surveillance Authority
    keep an eye on prices and the
    Abriration Court keep an eye
    on wages.

    A marvellous period of industrial
    peace and productivity followed.

    To return us back to the bad old
    days of Master/Serf disputation
    the Liberals abolished both the
    prices watchdog and the wages

    The other aspect of the Hawke
    years I vividly remember is
    when the Chinese communist
    crack-down on student protests
    in Tianamin Square made
    thousands of Chinese students
    studying in Australia fearful of
    returning home, a Prime Minister
    all freedom-lovers can be
    proud of did NOT deport
    them or shove them into
    an electrified Labor cage.

    He granted the WHOLE blooming lot
    asylum on 'fear of persecution'
    grounds - from whence they
    have moved seamlessly and
    productively into mainsteam
    Aussie life - some with great
    distinction but all with great
    gratitude towards a wise
    and courageous Aussie PM

    What a vivid contrast to the
    mean-spirited kid-caging
    attitude of the current PM!

    BTW: Bennalong has a larger
    Chinese-Australian population
    than most other parts of Sydney.

    NOW try and tell me that
    Karma does not exist!

    The little kid-cager is on the way out!

    And I did not have to engineer
    his richly-deserved downfall.

    Howard (the kid cager) did that
    to himself all by himself as
    surely as night follows day.

    But I'd be wary of expecting
    too much from a Rudd win.

    Old Buddhist Saying:

    Before enlightenment: Chopping
    wood and hauling water.

    After enlightenment: Chopping
    wood and hauling water.
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