I voted Labor at the last Federal Election.I did so as I...

  1. 718 Posts.
    I voted Labor at the last Federal Election.

    I did so as I believed the then Liberal coalition government had lost its way and it was time for a change. My main motivation was however, the IR laws which I believed through personal experience were unjust.

    Fast forward to last Wednesday.

    The events that transpired on that faithful day so appalled me, that I will not be voting Labor at the next election. Why? - Well I'll tell you why.

    Whatever one thought of Rudd and his failings - his governments failings, he was the victim of a political assassination the like of which we have not seen in this country since the 1975 Whitlam dismissal.

    Rudd had his failing - of this there is no doubt. How anyone would put on the political agenda a new tax just months away from a scheduled federal election is anyones guess. The only thing I can think of is that he was in receipt of some very poor advice and/or was so consumed with his own importance and position; he had become impervious to the dangers of such an approach.

    Rudd's closest advisor, his Chief of Staff is aged 31. The oldest person in his staff is or was 35. Now can someone explain to me why Rudd was so moved to have such inexperienced people TO THE EXCLUSION OF ALL OTHERS?

    That said, I can remember all those years ago when Gillard and Rudd became number one and two in the federal opposition, that it would be only a matter of time before that cold calculating beast Gillard plunged the political knife between Rudd's shoulder blades. The only surprise was that it happened so quickly and so soon - me believing that it would be more likely when Rudd was in his second term. Obviously there were party members who believed there would be no second term for Rudd or indeed Labor without a political coup.

    Don't forget, Gillard and Swan were both members of the so called gang of 4, signing off on all the policies as they came across the table including the so called Mining Tax.

    So I have a message for both the Labor Party and for Ms Gillard.

    You have one disaffected Labor voter here and you will not have my support at the next federal election whenever that election may be held.

    I am voting independent.

    Good luck Australia.
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