i voted labor but not in the next one, page-21

  1. 3,972 Posts.

    I cannot believe that some people elevate the importance of one man's ago higher than the national interest.

    He was being humiliated everyday in the press anyways and would have only got worse as he muddled his way through badly, he was a laughing stock with our nations interest in his hands. In the mining dispute he did not care at all for people that were suffering. His own power was more important to him, was the only thing that mattered. He was totally and completely self absorbed.

    I recall in question time when Bob Katter (Independant) asked about the tax as people in his electorate were already losing job and business and Rudd had Katter gagged! He was disgusting, there was no political mileage in addressing very real concerns.

    I am so concerned people are treating this like some sort of reality TV. The PM has as an obligation to represent the people, he was ignoring the elected representatives and was working with paid staff to which you admit. He was a rogue. PLus NOBODY had voted for him to be PM in the next term and I fail to see why that choice should have been Rudd;s and Rudd;s alone ,That is DICTATROSHIP and strange enough why we voted for Rudd. To get rid of another that refused to go.

    So we are supposed to vote to get rid of a man and not the political party itself? We do not have presidential system. At least with that system the people get a choice and also the leader cannot stay longer than 2 terms. They have though out such a system. We have not.

    The party has an obligation to put forward the strongest leader they can to serve the nation as best it can. Pandering to ego should be more important than that? How pathetic.
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