BRN 1.52% 32.5¢ brainchip holdings ltd

Two Points:Yes, I knew that ATS wasn't mentioned, but the point...

  1. 1,725 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5543
    Two Points:

    Yes, I knew that ATS wasn't mentioned, but the point of the post was to reinforce the positivity of (allegedly still) being involved with Angel, when we see orders of that magnitude, that gives me confidence going forward that we are (allegedly) joined at the hip with a winner...they (Angel) are already on record as saying " we expect to commercialize the ATS system in 2020".

    Chad Steelberg (Veritone) read my questions this morning, but has yet to reply, so I'm taking that as, can't/won't comment, it was worth a try.....have a good day all. cool.png
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