ADS 0.00% 0.1¢ adslot ltd.

Hey everyone ,, I was told about adslot from a bloke who works...

  1. 278 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hey everyone ,, I was told about adslot from a bloke who works in a huge investment firm he said was a pretty good company to have a look at . What's everyone's views on the company ? I'm guessing some people have been burnt from buying when it hit 15 cents and now only 10 but is their story real ? Will they be 10 times bigger then they are now in 5 years ? I like the stock because it bring diversity to my portfolio and I like high grow stocks that aren't appreciated then when they go gangbusters everyone be like I told you so haha . I have purchased small parcel at .097 for now just so I can get a feel for the company for now . But yeh I'm interested in people's views who prob know a lot more about what the company actually does and how it generates all it revenue and how it will grow to generate a tonne more revenue cheers
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