Hardly surprising, Pinto, given circa 90% of humans are little...

  1. 11,076 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2008
    Hardly surprising, Pinto, given circa 90% of humans are little more than chimpanzees. In terms of evolution and the time required to affect that process, said 90% are barely out of the trees. The greatest problem the species human faces today is that the process of natural selection has been distorted on numerous levels. As a non-military veteran of Afghanistan and the North West Frontier I remember making an observational remark (gleaned over 40 years) to a local Khan that I had rarely met a one of his countrymen that didn't exhibit a high level of intelligence - notwithstanding the poor level of education and religious indoctrination.
    His answer was simple. He said: "Fools never live for long in this country."
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