icj: islam's court of justice

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    ICJ: Islam's Court of Justice
    by Joel Katzman, Ph.D.
    Feb 23, '04 / 1 Adar 5764

    The International Court of "Justice" in the Hague, with prodding from the UN and various Euro-Nazi elements, along with leftist sympathizers, or Palestinian sympathizing organizations (Amnesty International, International Red Cross, etc.), have joined hands with Islamic terrorists in an international assault on Israel. On the surface, or as the media would like to spin it, the ICJ and sympathizers with the Palestinian cause have joined hands in a "humane" effort to prosecute Israel for human rights violations (a fence, in particular). It is becoming more evident that the bottom line of this "legal" pursuit of "justice" betrays that this joining of hands between the Hague's kangaroo court and Islamic/Palestinian sympathizers is but one more cleverly orchestrated means of persecuting the State of Israel and its Jewish population.

    The wanton and increasing rise in anti-Jewish and anti-Israel sentiments and attacks worldwide, especially from within Islamic and European nations, is a matter of unquestionable fact. It is also an undeniable fact that many European nations support, and/or protect Islamofascist elements dedicated to the destruction of Israel and Jews. Very simply, many Europeans and their leaders, along with others, have been found "lying in bed" with the enemies of Israel and Jews in general. At best, the sympathizers and supporters of Israel's enemies have looked the other way when terror and extortion rips apart the citizenry and socioeconomic fabric of Israel, while becoming obsessively "righteous" about Israel's alleged human rights violations. The obvious double standard cannot be taken to mean anything but a fear of the irrationality of Islamofacists coupled with deep-rooted anti-Semitism.

    It is no longer a secret that elements in the UN, Europe and other nations would sooner see the dissolution of the State of Israel than confront the terror, lies and evil intent perpetrated by a majority of the nations of Islam. One of the worst offenders of world terror is the Palestinians (80% or more support or are engaged in terror against anyone that opposes their Islamic goals). One of the major Islamic goals, as it was several hundred years ago, is that of world domination and genocide or subjugation of those identified as infidels (non-believers). As did many citizens and leaders of Europe in the 20th century aid and abet the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews, so do many in Europe of today aid and abet the Islamofacist's plans against the Jews of Israel.

    Only one thing can be concluded from the Hague kangaroo court's presumable pursuit of international "justice" on the issue of the Jewish State's anti-terrorist fence, and that is that this court's "legal" meanderings really represent an effort to persecute Israel to the satisfaction of its clients (a conglomerate of Euro-Nazis and Islamofacist elements, supported by a variety of leftist organizations). This court, along with the plaintiffs, is in pursuit of an anti-Semitic agenda even though they attempt to whitewash their 21st brand of anti-Semitism under the guise of advocating for human rights.

    One might reasonably ask at this point why I would accuse this court and its alleged accomplices of such evil intent. My answer to such a question is simply that this court and its plaintiffs (sympathizers of the Palestinian and Islamic causes) have never, to my knowledge, taken up the international cases of human rights violations by various Islamofascist terror groups or nations against Israel and other nations. The ethnic cleansing of some 800 hundred thousand Jews from Arab nations in the 20th century was never brought to international trial, and this Arab apartheid against Jews was never deemed worthy of investigation or prosecution. The repeated terror by Islamofascist nations and groups against Israel's civilian population was never judged to be worthy of prosecution in the Hague's ICJ.

    The building of fences or walls (some now in progress) to protect sovereign boundaries or enhance national security never bothered this international court until Israel began building such a protective barrier, and anti-Israel elements began to complain about Israel's anti-terrorist fence. The issue of Islamofascist terrorists, particularly the Palestinians, who use their own men, women and children as tools and shields behind which to plot, plan and launch terror against Israeli civilians and military never offended the human rights advocates enough to suggest to the International Court of Justice that justice would be served by bring these anti-Israel violators to court. The double standard applied to Israel by this international court is a blatantly wanton act of disregard for international justice on the issues of human rights violations and illegal international pursuits.

    The case being brought against Israel's anti-terrorist fence can be spun any way one would like to, but at its very source, this case is no less anti-Semitic than the court cases that the Nazis and the Stalin regimes brought against the Jews of Germany and Russia. This case against Israel's anti-terrorist actions is perhaps one more cleverly contrived attempt to move towards the dissolution of the State of Israel, to appease a very troublesome and irrational threat from most of the world of Islam.

    The wall or fence, as imperfect as it is, offers substantial protection to Israeli citizens from the barbarism of Islamic terrorists. If it were to be removed, it would leave Israel more vulnerable (including the Jewish communities in the disputed territories). I believe that the goal of pursuing various charges of human rights violations against Israel, in part, is designed to increase Israel's vulnerability, while appeasing Islamofascist factions, towards the overall goal of the eventual dissolution of the State of Israel. The Hague court appears to be one more part of a plan to breakdown Israel's ability to secure itself against terror, which could eventually result in Israel's inability to survive as a Jewish nation.

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