icj: islam's court of justice, page-46

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    #89183 milesg

    just had a nice glass of wine and nibbles and thought it would be fun to see some of your rapier-like wit and insightful comments.

    so what did we get. THE SAME OLD GARBAGE. no points answered and another lunatic rave.

    so in language even a none-wit should be able to understand.

    this questionable court is going to attempt to pass judgement on a political matter.

    this is clearly none of its business. even if they ruled in favour of israel (lol) it would still be a useless event.

    this is just a PR fest for the terrorists and their supporters. as previousley been pointed out, which you conveniently ignore, a large number of the major eu counries,gb and usa, even australia, have stated that this is not a matter for this particular forum.
    it is also a great waste of money.

    as some posters have pointed out it is not the fence that is in dispute only the route.

    the guts of the matter is the israelis right to defend themselves within safe and secure boundaries against terrorist murderers, or should the terrorists have open borders to cross to commit the targeted murder of civilians.

    the israelis policy of targeted killing, which many disagree with, (not me), is against known terrorists who surround themselves with civilians is quite different.

    the fence could start to be dismantled tomorrow if the palestinians gave up terrorism, took action against any terrorists who won't renounce terrorism.

    they would then have a basis to discuss peace.

    this isn't to hard for you to understand, is it?

    now i have a suggestion for you. forget your idiotic antisemitic raving, and

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