Most muslims are moderate, just like any people anywhere. That...

  1. 228 Posts.
    Most muslims are moderate, just like any people anywhere. That doesn't mean they don't hold strong beliefs, or become more tolerant of activists over time where they may have merely rejected radicalism outright in the past.

    Muslims are not overall becoming more moderate. That would be against human nature when such mistreatment is occuring to other muslims - they will naturally have some growing sympathy.

    Not to forget the growing radicalism of the "Christists" who are slavering at the mouth for a confrontation with Islam.

    Only an imbecile would claim things are becoming more moderate. Bush and Osama are calling the shots and it's not going to change while terror and fear are in the interests of both camps. The administration just this morning has advised all americans to hoard food and plan a place of shelter - in case of terrorist attack.

    I can just imagine them all in panic, building bomb shelters stocked with non-perishables. Just like the Cold War - serves only the politicians.
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