Comma,You stated in the following, "Muslims are not overall...

  1. 876 Posts.
    You stated in the following,
    "Muslims are not overall becoming more moderate. That would be against human nature when such mistreatment is occuring to other muslims - they will naturally have some growing sympathy.
    Not to forget the growing radicalism of the "Christists" who are slavering at the mouth for a confrontation with Islam."

    Firstly, any mistreatment they are receiving now is far less than what will be meted out in coming years. The barbarism they display with; throatcutting, shooting kids in the back, gang rape, suicide bombers, targeting civilians, etc, etc, etc, is just getting 'on the nose' of people in the west. Read stories about the troubles European countries, for instance, are having with their muslim immigrants, and the backlash from this.

    Secondly, I've never heard of Christists. It is not christian groups that want a confrontation with islam, it's 'western' groups in general. People will always say that there is discrimination against muslims, but discrimination can also be said about those locked up in jails, it's just that jails are formal institutions for the socially unacceptable, remember that social acceptance of muslims was quite alright before 9/11. If muslims can't 'fit in' to the way of life of their adopted country, and they feel discriminated against, speak up against the militants, reducing any further problems they pose, or go back to the non discrimanatory muslim countries (??????) from whence they left.
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