Yes, we know that extradition is unlikely.....but Holocaust...

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    Yes, we know that extradition is unlikely.....but Holocaust deniers won't be in a hurry to visit Israel......

    They'll find the shoe on the other foot....for a change.

    Come on David Irving.....have a go, ya mug....let's see how tough and principaled you are now!


    Jul. 20, 2004 23:43
    Global Holocaust-deniers bill passed in Knesset

    Legislation that would make Holocaust-denial committed overseas an offense under Israeli legal jurisdiction was approved unanimously in first reading by the Knesset on Tuesday.

    The passage of the measure would enable Israel to demand the extradition of Holocaust-deniers for prosecution.

    The bill was drafted by MK Aryeh Eldad (National Union) as a move against former Palestinian Authority prime minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) for his doctoral dissertation 20 years ago in which he estimated that the Nazis killed less than a million Jews.

    It is likely to serve as a deterrence against Holocaust-deniers visiting Israel, although the possibility of countries consenting to extradition on the offense is unlikely.

    The legislation expands the territorial jurisdiction of the Israeli law against Holocaust-denying outside of it borders.

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