if e=mc^2 , then how much do i weigh?, page-2

  1. 5,732 Posts.
    tinnitus, interesting question - but did you mean gigajoule or joule rather than gigavolts for energy (assuming your GV was volts)?

    Anyway, for E=mc^2, where m = 80 kg and c = 299,792,458 m/s then E = 7,190,041,429,894,540,000 joules or 7,190,041,429.89 gigajoule.

    Does that look right?

    To release that energy, the person would have to be annihilated - eg by contact with an 'antibody' of similar mass :D

    About the side of fries - I admit to finding that fairly easy to annihilate :)

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