if hitler believed in god, where is his soul?, page-30

  1. 11,213 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "Several of the other top Nazis were neo-Pagans interested in pre-Christian Germanic gods (who were similar to the Norse gods) but Hitler doesn't seem to have shared their interest for anything more than another tool to manipulate people to his will by diminishing the influence of the Church and the un-Nazi Christian values of the German people (after all, Thou Shalt Not Kill is a pretty hard one to reconcile with Nazism)."

    They were involved in the Thule Society which still exists.

    Take a look at the Thule Society's website in the USA - link below.

    Here is an excerpt -

    "So must all Members of the A.·.A.·. work by the Magical Formula of the Aeon.

    They must accept the Book of the Law as the Word and the Letter of Truth, and the
    sole Rule of Life.** They must acknowledge the Authority of the Beast 666 and of the
    Scarlet Woman as in the book it is defined, and accept Their Will† as concentrating
    the Will of our Whole Order. They must accept the Crowned and Conquering Child as
    the Lord of the Aeon, and exert themselves to establish His reign upon Earth. They
    must acknowledge that "The word of the Law is Thelema" and that

    "Love is the law, love under will."

    The current US Thule Society reads more like O.T.O., than the old German Thule Society, but interesting nevertheless.

    The Ordo Templi Orientis was closely modelled on the beliefs of Alistair Crowley. There are branches in Australia and some well known pollies and celebs have been said to belong. Melbourne is their heart of darkness in Australia.



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