ddzx,what you do is base-changing and twistingdon't try and...

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    what you do is base-changing and twisting
    don't try and backpeddal
    you placed your projection upon what AuCu said, and started going off on a created tangent about who started the war, and germany
    and also made a comment using the word "biased", in such a suggestive context, as if being biased is necessarily something bad
    but without good use of bias you will just get blown around by the winds
    no wonder your god is, often blind and immoral, western corporate science propaganda.

    "important to not ISOLATE Hitler as someone unique"

    this is more of the pot calling the kettle black
    and additionally, if you read, and correctly perceived what i said, in my previous posts, you would see that that comment directed towards me is stupid.

    what don't you understand about "we would do well to take heed" and "rather than considering what would happen to hilter's soul, consider what could happen to the hitlers within our own souls"?

    why do you assume that i absolutley believe in a soul or whatever, yet at the same time ask for a glass of water?
    can you see the hypocrisy?
    why couldn't the pharaoh see?

    much of the relative truth that you (or anyone) post can easily be ripped to pieces, by calling it a rock, thowing it up in the air, and having a go at it because it didn't fly over the hills.
    no great feat.

    when i use the term like "scumbag", it is done in the context of convention, not as an absolute, but rather as a generalization with a fair degree of validity and usefulness -
    in the same way that you think that you are absolutely a male, but are not.

    you may fool yourself and others, but you don't fool me
    'it's' quite transparent
    i read the scriptures that you post and may see somewhat different 'things'

    such is life.
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