point is: ahmenidinajad or whatever his name is , played a...

  1. 1,201 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    point is: ahmenidinajad or whatever his name is , played a stupid game here. He goes on the WORLD STAGE in the U.N and says he will stop at nothing to wipe out the jewish state of israel off the face of the planet (what gall the guy has , eh?), and then the nob says he wants to develop nuclear capability :):)

    Is this guy a tool or what?? :) Yeah thats gonna get you world-wide support in your effort

    Bottom line: if indonesias president had the gall to say ' i will stop at nothing to rid the world of australia and everytihng aussies represent' ata a U.N conference, it will hit the newswires here , and be the SUBJECT of every news broadcast and CURRENT AFFAIRS shows. People in australia wouls TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Views would be EXPRESSED in newspapers. PEOPLE and the austrlian COMMUNITY will UNITE and WILL NEVER EVER EVER LET Indonesia develop NUKES

    The general public would band together and force the aussie government to do 'SOMETHING"

    Indonesia will never get nukes, abnd IF THEY WERE CLOSE, aussie PUBLIC OUTCRY and pressure on governments would ensure that we ATTACKED THEIR NUKE PLANTS and put it out of commission

    I wonder......I really wonder, how many australians would stand by and say ' nah let indonesia have nuclear power. Who are we to say they cant"

    I wonder ;)

    Youd all be scared if nukes were a reality in the making and you had the chance of being wiped out

    Israel is gonna do what AUSSIES would do. Just like no israeli says ' yeah they have a right to have nukes', no aussie would say the same for indonesia if their PM threatened Australians obliteration

    its only logical

    its too great a risk

    thus their nuke plant capabilities MUST BE BOMBED

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