if it aint broke why fix it, page-4

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    is there another debate today - have lost track of who's debating whom!!

    Nit-picking at John Howard during this campaign has become a sport for some. He is "too" this - or "too" that - his detractors say he "looked cranky" during the debate -(perhaps one eyebrow was too high -lol) - he flicked his hands around too much - in fact, he had the cheek to breathe!!! IT GETS THAT PETTY!

    (Rudd was Clark Gable by comparison meanwhile I suppose -ha ha)

    (And the worm wasn't wangled -as it was again yesterday (I am told). Not Much! The people behind such stunts must deem us all as just plain stupid!)

    And the Left Wing Media Party is working flat chat now -yep - they're really hyping it up! And they have increasingly frenetic "campaigners" everywhere. Yes, just tune into the ABC folks to see and hear them in full pelt! They're really got the bit between their teeth.

    With the Australian newspaper not too far behind!
    And then there is the good old "Age" - sooo balanced -(cough!)

    John Howard:

    As with any incumbent Prime Minister in an election campaign, he does not have the luxury of going out each day to campaign, fresh as a daisy and with a well-oiled campaign team running along in his tracks - ready to keep him refreshed and up to the minute with everything. Well, he does - in a way. But -

    Unlike an Opposition Leader. Who has ONLY that to do. Yes, 100% concentration on the campaign. With lots of helpers doing the other basics - and He's NOT running the country. (Nor are his sidekicks).

    No, A Prime Minister, already grossly overworked and hugely stressed thanks to his normal job of running the country, (which is so MUCH huger in its breadth and scope and demands now than it ever was, having so many additional international implications than it did even ten years ago, is now required to get out on the hustings and travel the countryside campaigning, and having to look the goods come what may! And regardless of how he must be feeling.

    In his own electorate - now much more marginal due to boundaries being moved - Howard has to be seen more often just there alone because his opponent (who has no other day job) is able to go out fresh and relaxed and playing jolly good fellows in front of the media doing stupid things like jitterbugging on camera with the ethnic locals - or sitting around their restaurants muching yum chas and cozying up to everyone in very cool, calm and collected "aren't I a lovely person" fashion. Easy if you've nothimg else to do - or nothing else on your mind!

    This is before he has to start travelling all over the nation - and not only keeping up with endless meetings and appearances and flag waving, but also, alongside it, keeping on top of all aspects of what's involved with running the country. PLus keeping on top of the campaign - planning, adjuding, analyising, and keeping Ministers well informed and up to scratch. (The front bench, BTW - are also under the same pressures of having to campaign AND to keep the country running smoothly.) Six weeks is a long time under these gruelling conditions. Who of you could keep two demanding jobs going for that long!

    In the process, Howard has to endure sneering and ageist insults from journalists, and other oppoistion politicians, who keep thrashing the ageism line against him, either directly or by inference, whilst at the same time mouthing hypocrticial slogans about their support for the "working man".

    (They overlook telling us that this supposed support apparently cuts out at age 65 as far as they are concerned!)
    Or is it only John Howard they consider is now too old to keep working?

    Now, not many people could keep up with this enormous pace and burden. On the one hand, having to keep on top of your day job, both mentally and physically, (already a 24/7 proposition) -and, in addition, take on another extra job (also theoretically requiring 24/7), in which every single moment of everything you say or do, or how you look, is under intense scrutiny. And you have to look and speak at all times in absolutely perfect fashion - never look tired or stressed - and stay cheerful and stay absolutely across the top of all this additonal "stuff!!"

    At the same time, people are personally sneering at you behing your back, rubbishing you, criticising you in the press for the least thing, jumping on your head if you get one tiny detail slightly wrong, generally rubbishing you, running you down, criticising your every move, and worst of all, running a hypocritical ageism campaign sneering at you for being too old!

    Meanwhile, again, your opponent has the luxury of the relaxation of being ferried around, willing aides at the ready, being spoon fed media releases pre-prepared by someone else, NOT being heavily scrutinised - having the majority of the media on HIS/HER side (ther Left Wing Media PArty) -and feeling as fresh as a daisy because he/she is NOT carrying the additonal burden of holding up the most important and toughest job in the country in addition!

    How Howard does it, and stays looking well groomed, fresh, and having his mind across all aspects of campaigning and being Prime Minister, is beyond belief.

    But OZ is Tall Poppy territory - very mean spirited when it comes to acknowledging others - yes, even mean and nasty. You very rarely get credit in this country for the great job you ARE doing!

    Or, failing credit, at least a grudging acknowledgement that, yes, this guy IS trying to do his very best for us all, he HAS in fact fact done a great job to date, and that it is indeed a very tough gig for the incumbent!!

    And a much easier "ride" for the opponents. Who of course would never admit that it is!

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