if it feels good do it on hc radio, page-4

  1. 1,320 Posts.
    The shortboards are walking around the studio in boardies and DJ house mix Ts like they own the joint 'cause they are officially on holidays from a gruelling six day year of uni - or that's how long it seems to me, anyhow. Nonetheless, I do admire their taste in selecting vinyls to play for our HC Radio audience. They may have sand in their speedos and a chippy attitude that won't get them a job in any HR department - why do we need this fancy HR anyway? Wasn't it once called payroll?... Sorry, got off the point. The shortboards have pulled up a beaut track from a band who I predict will go places. And that place is the retirement home. Keef is already pre-embalmed...

    Stones Ruby Tuesday
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