if its hot its cool on hc radio

  1. 1,320 Posts.
    The uranium-powered turntables are powering up causing the studio lights to flicker, resembling second rate concerts I've been to. Speakers are cranked up and the green tea machine is given a polite tickle to turn on - must be gentle with these alternative types. The Sydney heat outside seeps into the temperature controlled studio and makes my All-The-Toppings-You-Can-Keep-Down pizza go off faster than Britney Speers' makeup in a police lineup.

    Welcome to HC Radio, the summer swelter edition.

    Tonight let's play cool songs.

    Don't bring me your sunburned, your dried out, your wasted and parched sad specimens who spend too, too long on Palm Beach only to come face to face in the mirror with who they really are - rich, flaccid old hags.

    Bring out songs that make uncle Larry feel good. I'm daring ya. Double-daring ya.
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