if jesus christ came back today, page-7

  1. 3,996 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 344
    The post was about freedom of expression, or more precisely the lack of it.

    A whisper in your ear....

    Re Jesus, though, He promised to return quite soon now, on the prophetic calendar, nearly all the pre events and conditions are fulfilled , it says there will be massive war - in Middle East- which it looks like is slowly building up now.

    Increasingly fast. Russia's (The "King of the North"s?) actions now taking E. Ukraine, the wars in Syria, Iraq, the arab spring and its consequences, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, C.A.R, Chad, Somalia, Nigeria, it goes on. The rate of unemployment in the arab world, hundreds of millions of a boom generation young males with little or no employment, from Iraq to Algeria. A fifth of the worlds population in this Islamic part of the world. Islamic revival. Talk of the Caliphate again, from expanding waves of terrorists. Trouble with a capital T. Building tension between Russia China too, and the western alliance. Think peace is coming? If so, dream on. It all fits in.

    A western banking system only propped up by printing money. History shows how that ends up.

    So much more. The good news is the promise that it is going to be brought to an end, but not by mankind, who is incapable of doing so. A big mess to clean up, and quite a bit of it will be done quickly and violently.

    Jesus' throne is already on this Earth. It has been for over three thousand years. It was until recently on display in Westminster Abbey under the Royal Coronation Chair.

    Lia Fail. Yes, an ancient stone slab. "Jacobs pillow".
    Upon that throne sits Queen Elizabeth, the latest in a long line of descent from King David to sit on it. But she like all her predecessors is just keeping it warm for He to whom it really belongs and always has. It is safe in the "Islands of refuge". Occupied by the only (still legally) absolute monarch left of all the lines of kings that existed but are now defunct. And yes a woman was to occupy it in the last time. That was planned too.

    Why does the nation with the worlds most magnificent collection of Crown Jewels have an old stone in an old wooden chair for a Coronation Chair? Because that stone represents the most powerful force in eternity, the author of the Stone Kingdom. The throne which outlasts and survives much like stone, when all the other fall.

    We are promised soon there will be only one kingdom. If it doesn't happen the nukes are going to be unleashed in this next confrontation. Tensions increasingly rising now. You registering it yet? In the final stages it will threaten end of the human race. It implies that it will be stopped the instant before it begins. "before all flesh is destroyed" Insects would probably survive it. Not much else. When people are furious rationality goes out the window.

    Why is this throne in Britain? ...Brit' ain (anc. Hebrew) "Land of the men of the Covenant".

    Most won't likely believe this. But, that is prewritten too. Its just to let you know what is going on when it happens. Or save yourself. Probably have an idea what I mean.

    Will not bother to rely to abuse and mockery. Many are incapable of undestanding. I am not your judge, nor you mine. Save you energy for smething positive.

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