If One God, why so many denominations?, page-381

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 534
    "FWIW, my money is on wotsup and MrG et al."

    Thats ok with me
    Its a forum,an exchange of ideas.

    "They worship God."

    As ive qoted many times
    Not my words
    If you dont accept the son
    You reject the father
    The bible is clear on the rejection of the
    father/son relationship.
    They have a father/son relationship by creation only
    here on this earth.
    The father/son relationship existed in eternity by birth.

    His "son" was a mediator for Humanity" .
    Yes agree,the son of God here on earth
    is the mediator between God and man on earth.
    There you go,we agree on something

    ".. but not God ."
    that's pr.eposterous. "

    Once again AGREE with you!

    That concept that the son of God is God
    himself is preposterous!

    I dont believe that either!

    Theres two points we agree on!

    The bible clearly says,as ive mentioned several times and all through the trinity debate.

    The father is God (only)singular.

    The son worships the father.
    The father is never seen or heard worshipping the son.

    "The Creator of The Universe .. reduced to a Man .. give me a break."
    Ill give you that break with Jesus words himself

    John 17.5
    And now oh father,glorify me,with thine own self

    Micah 5.2
    But thou Bethlehem Ephratah
    though thou be little among the thousands
    of Judah,yet out of thee shall come forth
    unto me,that is to be ruler in Isreal,WHOSE GOINGS FORTH HAVE BEEN OF OLD,FROM EVERLASTING.

    NOT MY WORDS coppo

    Clearly here the messiah is sent from eternity.
    If you and Wotsup are burned up about that.
    Thats your own perogative .

    Dan 3.
    He answered and said,lo i see four men loose,walking in the midst of the fire,and they have no hurt,and the form of the fourth is like the SON OF GOD.

    Dan 12 .1-3
    And at that time Michael (in hebrew
    the name Michael means like God)
    Prince is the son of the king
    Clearly here a reference to the 2nd coming in the new testament of Gods son written here also in the OT.

    Rev 12 The whole chapter is about the war in heaven
    the church on earth,Michael mentiined again in his controversy with the leader of rebellion.

    Proverbs 30.4
    Speaking of the creative powers of God
    What is his name (God)
    What is his SONS name?

    Why mention that,if you dont think he has one
    or the concept of God having a son?

    This comment is to be placed under my comments
    about Dan 12 above,im on a phone writing this and its too hard to move this to where it should be placed,or i run the risk of losing the rest of what i wrote

    Again referencing a pre existant son
    Obviously because a pagan King knows nothing of an event yet to happen thousands of yrs down the track

    Apologies for the above

    John 1.1
    In beginning was the word(Gods son)
    and the word was with God (the father)and the word was God (like his God)divine.
    Simple concept here.

    In the beginning God created
    the heaven and the earth
    Let us make man in our (plural,more than1)
    Same concept as john 1.1
    God (father)
    with his (son)
    At creation
    Dont know why your so burned up about this concept???

    Proverbs 8.27-30
    Same concepts as above
    Son being with God at creation
    1Cor 1.24 The wisdom of God
    His son,the expression of God himself.

    Same debate that was had at the council of nicea
    3sides,trinitarians,arians,semi arians.
    3 different views on God.
    And each view defines father and son in totally
    different ways.
    You dont understand the debate,thats fine
    of course you would lean towards the position you understand better cause you have heard it before

    You can worship Jesus as mediator if you like but it's God that really counts.
    Jesus may have showed the way .. but didn't do it for you."
    Umm,yes he did
    The bible all the way through says Jesus died for my sins,and was the way,the truth and the life.
    Jesus himself said,no man might come to God but by me. John 14
    The way
    The Door
    The Rock

    "The cult of Jesus worship is just plainly just one upmanship."
    Umm,again i refer you to the quote above.John14

    John 20.28
    Here we have a disciple refering to Jesus as my lord and my God
    One upmanship at work by a disciple?

    Math 2.11
    John 12.13 The examples of the magi
    worshipping Jesus as a child at his birth

    Math 21.9
    John 12.13
    Here Jesus taken to jerusalem as the crowd lays down
    palm leaves etc and yell "Hosanna"
    Which is a word that is a plea for salvation
    and adoration and a form of worship.

    There seems to be alot of oneupmanship going on here Coppo in your cult worship of Gods son?

    Theres too many examples of Jesus forgiving sins also
    Theres many many problems with Wotsup and Mr Gs created human son Jesus that only existed from this world only

    "Simples ..."
    It is really
    Agree with you again!

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