If by some sort of miracle the markets & financial sectors...

  1. 282 Posts.
    If by some sort of miracle the markets & financial sectors recover even marginally it will only be short lived, the worlds first foray into "global trade" was not only short lived but proved without a doubt the world CANNOT have everyone vying for the very limited resources the world has left which brings us to the great fork in the road & it is up to us to pressure Politicians into what direction we want to go & indeed set the course for future generations.
    It is a given that we either take the easy way out which would inevidably involve war OR the richer nations Politicians bite the bullet & explain to their populations why we can no longer live the way we lived before the wreckage. Though it has surprised me just how many people now realise that a considerable reduction in our way of living is not only imminent but necessary, the worry is the younger generations in society where many have never truly known want or need which in itself should be a cause of concern. If you also take into account the infinite gap that exists now between the western worlds politicians compared to their average people who make up the vast majority of the population base, it is very easy to see why we have reached where we are & where we are headed.
    While Australia is in a better position than a lot of other countries, this is purely by luck in the multiple & quantity of resources we were blessed with AND unfortunately has nothing to do with great leadership nor management from either of the two major political parties or major banks who have been allowed over the last decade or so to do as they wish & gather far too much political influence.
    We as a nation or as a planet to ruin & waste what future our next generations would otherwise inherit just so some of us can live a lavish lifestyle now, much of humanity have become so selfish & uncaring they don't even realise just how good they have things in comparison.
    Things will change, history has proven this time & again but what we should be worrying about is how this change will be implemented, one cannot logically expect the majority of the world to continue watching the minority of the world spend (in some cases borrowed) money they don't have while living an unsustainable luxury lifestyle it can't afford, all the while consuming & wasting whatever it sees fit, especially when you consider many have never even eaten a decent meal it's a wonder it hasn't begun already.
    Our best hope is to try to convince the recalcitrant among us that considerable change for ALL of us is inevidable, indeed necessary & how much safer for us all it would be if it was done by choice & not by war.
    As a vulnerable country this needs the attention it desrves & not the usual "it'll be right mate", one day it will not be.

    My best regards to you all.
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