if they hang corby, it's on howard's head, page-122

  1. 4,217 Posts.
    re:look out losers heres another one Uprising blazes throughout Iran capital Tue. 15 Mar 2005

    Iran Focus

    Tehran, Mar. 15 – Tehran was left in a standstill this evening as the population poured into the streets to mark the national 'fire' festival of Chahar-shanbeh Souri despite intense pressures by the Iranian regime to prevent a possible uprising.

    Eye-witnesses reported that full-size puppets of high-ranking officials, such as the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the regime's president Mohammad Khatami, were set on fire by youths at numerous locations throughout the Iranian capital. Trucks belonging to Iran's security forces were also set ablaze.

    "Guns, tanks, the Bassij (Para-military security forces) no longer have an affect", large crowds shouted in central Tehran, as they took part in the traditional celebrations where Iranians jump over fires ablaze on the streets.

    Despite a general ban on the festival by the regime and repeated demands by the Iranian authorities that people avoid leaving their houses on the day, the main Iranian opposition group, the People's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI) issued a call for the nation to take part in the event and call for the overthrow of the clerical regime.

    The authorities brought in State Security Forces to create an atmosphere of fear, causing tensions to spark, leading to riots and clashes in several districts throughout Tehran.

    "Khamenei resign! Get off your thrown", youths shouted, as the government unleashed its Revolutionary Guards to crack down on the demonstrators.

    Residents reported that pictures of Maryam Rajavi and Massoud Rajavi, leaders of the Iranian opposition, were being distributed throughout Tehran and other major cities, including Mashad, Tabriz, Isfahan, Rasht, Lahijan, Hamedan, Arak, Sanandaj, Babol, Boukan, Saqqez, Mahabad, and Baneh, as SSF agents attempted to contain the demonstrators.

    Anti-government protestors defied the government ban also chanted slogans in support of the National Liberation Army of Iran (NLA), according to local Tehran residents.

    In Isfahan, youths clashed with SSF and Bassij agents, as authorities tried to prevent protesters from lighting up bonfires. Hit-and-run clashes continued until midnight, eye-witnesses reported.

    Thousands of people gathered in Vali-Asr Square in the city of Tabriz to celebrate the fire festival. Young people set off smoke bombs and sonic booms. Clashes were reported at Abressan Junction, where a huge crowd assembled.

    A number of districts of the city of Karaj were turned into hubs of anti-government protests by young people, who set fire to several patrol cars of security forces. In some districts, young people chanted “down with the dictator” and “down with Khamenei".

    Among the displays in the capital, residents reportedly placed miniature banners on dogs in the streets of Tehran, mocking Iran's lame-duck president, reading, "Khatami, we love you! Iranian Dogs Association".

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