[MEDIA] Millie Fontana. This woman's opinion carries so much...

  1. 1,372 Posts.

    Millie Fontana. This woman's opinion carries so much more weight than any of us on this forum.. This is something you are not going to be shown by the MSM or the yes brigade. The yes brigade will refuse to view this short video. Terrified to hear a differing opinion. They like to believe there are no downsides, no repercussions.

    I challenge all you yes voters to hear the other side for once in your lives.
    Hear it from those who lived it.
    This lady is just one example but this feeling she expresses is far more widespread than the gender warriors would like you to know. But you know; who cares about the kids so long as gay adults are happy.

    There is a reason you never hear from people like Millie on the radio  on your way to or from work. They only want to vilify anyone even considering voting NO. They want you to think they are monsters. Is this lady a monster??

    Nobody cares about the inconvenient truth that many grown up children of same sex relationships will be NO voters.

    Personally i care more about children like Millie than i do for cry baby adults who obviously care more about themselves than they do about children. The argument is never about the children its always about the rights of the gay person to have those children. Self centered at best. The whole entire argument revolves around the rights of the gay adult not the child.

    Don't even bother with your rash and immediate replies unless you watch the video.
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