if you had to go "all-in", page-6

  1. 165 Posts.
    Agreed TonyWAIW that doing so does break "the rules", but rules are meant to be broken right? I reckon there's many more who do precisely this but don't let on that they do - greed v fear ;)

    Anyway back to your question and back on task.

    Personally I'm extremely confident that companies with sound project bases in the renewable energies sector are significantly undervalued presently. I appreciate that many will disagree with my view for a variety of reasons however I believe those who are willing to get in on the ground floor so to speak will in time be rewarded handsomely.
    I hasten to add this is not going to be a bubble like we've seen at other times in history this is in my view going to be the single biggest change our civilisation needs and will make! We simply have no choice.

    Why you ask? Well to cut a long story short, as a result of the ecological damage man has caused to our planet we simply cannot continue using fossil fuels as our energy sources. There are several reasons why, firstly ALL fossil fuels are a finite resource, that is there are limitations.
    Secondly the scientific evidence is beyond doubt with regards to the damage that the use of these fuels types has caused.
    Quite simply the continued use of these fuels is unsustainable and is likely if not changed very soon, to lead to a complete collape of not only of our entire ecological system but also our global economy as a result.

    This leads me to the next important reason why renewable energy based companies will shine; Our economic model which is largely based on achieving continued economic growth is failing us, in fact it has been for a long time.

    Our governments however continue trying to make it work with the sad reality for our civilisation being it cannot. It is IMPOSSIBLE and so say the laws of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology!

    You see as I have highlighted on other threads, we live on a planet with finite resources yet we are attempting to achieve infinite growth??? It cannot happen.

    So globally if we make the move to renewables, and granted the poorer nations of the world will need assistance from thew developed nations, BUT they at least have direct access to these energy sources!

    Many say that renewables aren't capable of meeting global energy needs, well it seems they are wrong;

    As Al Gore has highlighted in his book; Allowing for accessibility & the ability to convert into useful energy, in ONE WEEK enough energy from the sun hits the earth's surface to meet the entire needs of humanity for an entire year!

    With regards to wind and geothermal the equivalent timeframe is ONE MONTH!

    I have tried to summarise this as best as possible whilst providing you with sufficient detail without going on and on but I hope it makes sense and you understand the potential in this sector?

    I'm do not disclose specific stocks that I am invested in or like the potential of because I don't feel comfortable in any way specifically influencing anyone's decision.


    Paper Tiger
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