if you want the world to be fair read this, page-2

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    In the Animal Kingdom there are predators
    and prey. In the Religious World there are
    predators and pray. In world of Capital
    and Labour there are bosses and prey
    or workers are they are often called.

    But workers are able to moderate the animal
    nature of Capital by forming or joining a
    Labour Union to get a fair deal from the
    Predators by withholding labour from
    them until they cave in and pay
    the workers decent wages.

    If bosses won't negotiate, then Fair
    Work Australia will determine what
    a fair wage is for a work category.

    Given half a chance, the Predators would
    import African slaves or transport white
    slaves (British criminals) to do the work.

    Gina Rinehart wants to import low-wage
    workers from China and keep them in
    compounds from which union reps
    are banned so the poor sods never
    experience Australia, just Chinese
    pay and lousy conditions to make
    Gina richer than King Solomon.

    None of this is new, and it needs
    to be exposed as Predatory Evil:

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