Profess said: "It may be news to you but there is great...

  1. 50 Posts.
    Profess said: "It may be news to you but there is great difficulty in employing teachers (significant shortage) all for paying them more if it means my child gets an education, as opposed to severe teacher shortage."

    Have you asked yourself why there is a teacher shortage? Who would want to be a teacher in today's chaotic classrooms where if you so much as touch a kiddie you're hauled in before a tribunal. Even if you're cleared, the stain obligatorially remains on your record foreever. Most of the teachers I know tell me they're members of the union becuase of the legal resources the union provides to help defend teachers in such situations.

    If I could be guaranteed my 3 kids were getting enthusiastic, committed, inspiring teachers then I would be the first to pay them increases out of my own pocket. Reality often is that dedicated teachers get burn't out, with many realising that they'll survive longer if they coast along

    Part of the treason why there are crises in professions such as teaching and nursing is because they both require a great deal of selfless dedication, beyond the 9 to 5 mentality. People willing to committ to such sacrifice are scarce==I'm not sure paying more will attract that kind of person.
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